Evening Programs
Evening programs at Camp Pinecliffe are opportunities for our campers to interact with girls from other age groups and to collectively enjoy fun organized activities.
Pinecliffe’s evening programs are specifically designed to ensure that campers of all ages are engaged and having fun. Some of the most popular evening programming are the all-camp activities such as camp fires, Dutch Auction, Gold Rush, Human Scrabble, Sing Down, and Junior Panic, just to name a few! Plays and musicals produced by our Performing Arts Department are showcased throughout the summer during the evening programs.

Every Friday evening we hold a weekly non-denominational service, led by a different age group each week. Services provide campers and counselors with the opportunity to exhibit and honor the emotional meaning of camp. Each service reflects on a different theme such as friendship, sharing, and tradition, affecting our lives at overnight summer camp and at home.
Our Senior campers participate in additional special evening programs that may involve short trips outside of the girls camp. Organized dances with near-by boys camps (Socials), and trips into town for dinner and a movie (Stay-up Nights) are special occasions that the girls enjoy from time to time.